Why choose Glossa?

Real-Time Updates

New comments are automatically added without the need to reload the page.

Rich Text Comments

Comments can contain styling using markdown supported by marked

Easy Integration

Integration requires only 3 lines of HTML code

Spam Protection

Automatic spam protection in-built, comments that look like spam are flagged

Dark/Light Support

The user interface automatically uses a dark or light theme, based on user preference

Small and Fast

Requires only a single 35 KB (gzip) file for integration

No User Registration

Users don’t have to signup in order to be able to comment


Design customizable by overwriting CSS styles

Built With Heart

We care about what we build and hope you will enjoy it as much as we do

Intuitive handling with great user experience for your users

The unobtrusive user interface doesn’t distract your users from your content, but is still easy to use. With a single click a new discussion is started or an ongoing thread shown. Iterating through all discussions on a page and highlighting them is possible, too.

Try it out for yourself at the demo

Administration of glossa and moderating, effortless for you

Our admin interface provides you with all necessary information. You get an overview about your plans and your used quota. All collections/pages with comments are shown in a central place. Moderating comments is done by a single click.

Ready to get started?

Integrating Glossa into your website is as easy as it could be. Just add a short snippet to your HTML and you are ready to go.

Sign up for a trial